Thursday, July 13, 2017

The first post.

This blog will be used to publish all features about how the brain functions, and I'll not explain it in the way Medicine does, but the way Psychology does. I am a student who has had a lot of interest in what you're going to read soon. This post will simply tell you, the reader to know what all to expect when you move forward in this series.
  1. Let us take, for example, the fact that when you meet someone, be it either one who you know or not, and I shall exclude them who stand very close to your heart. When you meet them, the first thing that you notice UNCONSCIOUSLY are his feet. So do you get to know the takeaway? Yes, the same happens with everyone, so to make a good impression, always wear something good on your shoes, depending on the occasion, such as a formal party or an informal get-together. Here is a proof of what I've said above.
Given above are two different images of shoes. When you saw the left image for the first time, what came to your mind? Be true to yourself. See? Now do you realize how your brain was able to create an entire body out of just shoes? I rest my case.

This is a glimpse of what I (WISH) to do. More posts are coming.